Know The Warning Signs
We have all heard of pink eye. Some of us have even had pink eye and know it can be highly contagious! With cold and flu season upon us, it’s good to know the warning signs of pink eye.
Red, watery, or itchy eyes maybe a sign of conjunctivitis or pink eye. The term “pink eye” can be caused by viruses, bacteria or allergies.
Symptoms of pink eye, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, include:
Redness or swelling of the white of the eye
Itchy or burning eyes
Increased sensitivity to light
Increased tear production
White, yellow or green discharge
Treatments for pink eye depend on the type of conjunctivitis you have:
Viral conjunctivitis – In most cases, viral conjunctivitis will run its course over several days and no medication. This type of pink eye is highly contagious. Your eye doctor will let you know when it is safe for you or your child to be around others without the risk of spreading contagious pink eye – usually about three to five days after the diagnosis. Wash your hands often to keep viral pink eye from spreading.
Bacterial conjunctivitis – Typically prescribed antibiotic drops or ointments are required for treatment. This type of pink eye is contagious by direct contact with infected hands or items that have touched the infected eye. Bacterial conjunctivitis can lead to very serious eye problems, possibly causing permanent vision loss.
Allergic conjunctivitis – Usually both eyes are affected and allergy medications can help alleviate the symptoms. This time of pink eye is not contagious
It can be difficult to tell the type of conjunctivitis you have by symptoms alone. Sometimes other health or eye conditions can cause pink eye symptoms.
A red or pink eye can sometimes be a sign of a serious eye problem. Anytime you develop a red irritated eye or eyes, you should schedule a visit with your eye doctor immediately for an accurate diagnosis and the most effective treatment.
If you wear contact lenses and have red, irritated eyes, remove the contact lenses and wear eyeglasses until your eye doctor examines your eyes.
Pink Eye Prevention Tips
Wash your hands frequently
Avoid rubbing or touching your eyes
Never share personal items like tissues, hand towels or washcloths
Frequently clean surfaces such as countertops, faucet handles and shared phones
Remove contact lenses before showering
Wear swim goggles while swimming to protect yourself from bacteria and other microorganisms in the water
Use a hand sanitizer frequently
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Please Note: Our experts do not provide medical advice on this platform. If you are experiencing signs/symptoms of a medical condition, seek medical attention with your eye care provider.