How many prescription pairs of glasses do you have? If you answered one, that’s not enough. Today’s lenses offer specialization to provide even more support and comfort for you as you go through your work, fun, and life. The “primary” pair idea is done, so let’s explore why you should have multiple prescription glasses:
Why Do You Need Multiple Pairs?
You might already be asking yourself why you need multiple pairs. Specialized lenses will keep your eyes, and by extension you, more comfortable and able to see. Multiple pairs provide different levels of correction or features to support your eye health for the situation in front of you. It’s impossible to cover every possibility in a single set of lenses.
Multiple pairs help you enjoy your work, your passions, and your life more because they are built for what you like to do.
Redefine “Primary Pair”
When thinking about multiple pairs, no pair is your “primary” pair, because you don’t follow the exact same routine every day, your passions are different than what you do for work, and you want to go outside from time-to-time. Instead of the best pair, there is a best pair for each situation.
For example, if you sit in front of a computer screen all day for work, and spend your evenings with family and a bit of tv, and your weekends outdoors, these three situations will benefit from their own specialized pair of glasses.
Specializing Your Glasses
You wouldn’t expect your phone to do everything, would you? It’s great for talking to people, browsing the internet, and it’s decent for watching some videos, but it can’t replicate the experience of watching a movie on your big screen TV. The same is true for glasses. Every person’s individual eye care needs are different, so focus on what you WANT to get out of your glasses.
When you want to specialize there are three common categories:
General Use – Most people have a general use pair of glasses when they only have one pair. These are pretty self-explanatory, these are the go-to pair for your everyday use. Just because you are specializing, doesn’t mean you should leave general use glasses behind. This is the pair for hanging out around the house, driving at night, and a broad variety of tasks.
Sunwear – Whether it’s a pair of sunglasses that block all UV light or photochromics that change from light to dark depending on where you go, a prescription pair of sunglasses are often absent from most people’s glasses toolkit. It’s easy to feel like a pair of cheapos from a mall kiosk will be enough, but a dedicated prescription pair of sunglasses will keep your eyes healthier and less fatigued after a day in the sun.
Computer Glasses – There’s no getting away from it, we live in front of screens. Digital pairs like Sync III are specialized to keep you feeling more energized after a work day in front of a computer. Whenever spending more than a couple of hours in front of a computer a day, a digital pair will help your eyes relax and fight common digital eye strain symptoms like headaches, dry eyes, and even a sore neck. View the info graphic above to learn more about why computer glasses are becoming the best pair for many people in the majority of their work and hobbies.
While there are other categories depending on what you do, like safety and sports pairs, these will cover people working in an office setting or in front of a computer most of the day. Your eye doctor will work with you to determine the lenses and features that will help your eyes the most.
Find the Benefits You Need
Focus on the benefits you need and start with the specializations where you spend the most time, whether that’s work, passion, or going with the flow. Multiple pairs of glasses will keep your eyes healthier and more comfortable.
Interested in adding more specialized glasses to your toolkit? Visit an optician in our eyewear boutique at any of our Progressive Eye Center locations.
* “How Much is Your Vision Worth”, written by Mike Hanbridge, Digital Marketing Manager for Hoya Vision Care, U.S. Market.